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Our 50-Acre Camp & Nature Preserve


Camp Creek Run became the home of Project HEAL in 2003 when we partnered with the Burlington County Freeholders, NJ's Green Acres Program, and The Trust for Public Land to purchase its 40 acres from the Foster family and preserve it from development through conservation grant funding. In 2008, we were awarded further conservation grant funding from the same partners to preserve an adjacent 10 acre property from the Radcliffe family. Through the conservation effort of these organizations and families, Camp Creek Run is now 50 acres in size.  The camp's natural features include wooded nature trails, meadows, a spring fed lake, and a southbranch tributary of the Rancocas Creek.  We manage the camp as a nature preserve and are committed to enhancing wildlife habitat with an eye toward maintaining its biodiversity. Camp Creek Run is a unique "outdoor classroom" where we hope children can learn about local ecology for years to come.  

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